Sunday, 4 February 2007

Here we go

So I'm finally getting into this Web 2.0 deal (well, sliding reluctantly towards it more like) so I thought I should do more of a blog thang here. I'll give it a try for a while but I have a feeling I'll prefer the Curiosity page I have been running so far.

The problem is that the amount of work needed for the Curiosity page far exceded the time I had free. This became especially true recently: 2006 was crazy busy workwise and the page fell into disuse which of course is exactly when I could have done with it being busiest, as I had a lot of things to share with you all and was making a lot of new contacts who should have been kept up to date with all that was going on.

is more immediate and less demanding, so although it feels like too much direct exposure, I'm going to give it a try...


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